Friday, July 31, 2009

Just simple Afliction

Cooping up with all this shit is so hard. I've need thought I'd feel like this much shit before over one person. What an impact. I always thought of myself as on top of my game (not that kinda game). The kind of game where I was always strong. That game. I guess. But I was always on top. But I wouldn't let my feelings go this far. So far, that I'd get fucked up. It's completely juvenile.

I just wish I could tell you everything without hold back as I did before when we were in school together. Now I spend everyday thinking how much I screwed up when I could of had the world. We had it, just never realized we did.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Toyed with my Affliction

Actually, I wasn't planning on blogging today but it's really just fuckin' me up right now. Like you have noo idea. I have so much regret in my heart. I'm not sure how to describe it... It's you've misplaced something and you're trying hella hard to find it when it was right there all along under your nose. I guess. But I hate how I still dwell on the past. Like I love to reminisce about how we were. But I hate it because when I think about it, it hurts me in the end.
Like I said in my past blogs, I wouldn't go back just two months(well in this case four) but I'd go back to the beginning of the school year and start it all over again right.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Just got done watchin Happy Feet.

Just watch the slow motion part. hahahaha

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Very Believable

I decided to check my twittascope for kicks.. Even though I never believed or tried it. But this is hella on point. Kinda got me teary eyed.

It's hard for you to deal with someone when you know he or she isn't saying everything. You know others are withholding their feelings now and yet you cannot confront them directly or they will just slip further into denial. Your current lesson is about learning to live with ambiguity. You probably won't know the whole story for a few more days, so just be patient and distract yourself the best you can.
Thursday, July 2, 2009

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Twitter on mines.

HAHA haven't been on blogspot for days. It's cuss Twitter's got me going. haha well guys for those you who are not following me. I'm in some twisted shit right now.. Like I feel so low and crushed. Idk Very complicated. TWEET ME though.