Friday, June 4, 2010


This is probably the best place to write right now. I dont think anyone goes on my blogspot anymore.
I know what I did and I know what I did was wrong and I hate myself for it. I ruined something so beautiful from a stupid mistake. Saying sorry wont do anything anymore. From all thats been happening lately, with life,

I dont feel I should be walking Earth any longer...

Im questioning God asking him,"What is the purpose? Why is life this way?"
I need an answer

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Im a slacker. I slack

Mr. Musters room for the period. tumblrs block so I guess Ill just have to use BS.

One more week 'til schools out. Finally... These final weeks are going by hella slow though. I still got hella work to make up for APUSH. Hella shouldnt have slacked this year. The rest of my classes are alright except for Algebreeh II. Gonna have to make up some quizzes. When Summer starts, Im back to school. Taking a Pre Rec. class for Fire Fighting. I probably might do World history too just cuss I had a C for a semester grade. FUN.