Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Only when Loyalty is found is when you can build a solid foundation.

Life itself is a crazy roller coaster and coming to college, I never thought it would have been this crazy of a ride. From stressing over school, emotions, family and just everything... I'll continue this later.

October 19th, 2013 7:03pm

Before submitting a journal entry, I always reevaluate my life on how it's going. I hope there is a bright and new beginning to the memoirs of all this sadness.

It doesn't make sense to me as to why I still continue to write but it feels good; it's like someone is listening to me. To be straight up, I've been single for more than three years. I've found someone I could potentially start a beautiful relationship with but there are complications. She isn't ready. I'd love to believe were on the same page but I'd be feeding myself lies... I've done that before and look where I turned out. I'm done.