Saturday, December 6, 2008

School's a Hype Kill.

Dude what the fucks up with Malchiodi? A wig? I mean she puts on a wig in the middle of the year, in the middle of the week (which is a Wednesday) and she expects us to be completely oblivious to fact that she has horse hair sitting on the top of her scalp.
Okay, enough about the evil English teacher. But you all know what I mean when I say school is a hype kill. Right? Well, I mean every week day that I'm at school, I always look forward to the weekend. Soo, Friday comes and it's a dope ass kick it day with friends. Saturday flies by because I'm usually out the whole day. Then Sunday arrives and I realize I have all this homework, crap I gotta study for, and on top of that I gotta wake up early! This is when my head's like, "Damn are you foreal? It's Sunday already? Fawwk.... School tomorrow." Finally the "hype kill" begins starting at the very beginning of the rotation. Monday. WACK ASS

"Et de retour dans un cercle."- Marvin Y.

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