Thursday, April 23, 2009

Long time coming.

FUCKING SHIT... ASSHOLE. WHAT THE EF? IS GOING ON..... Please excuse the random turrets. But fuck dude!!! I honestly don't understand some people. Like those people who you feel like saying," DUDE!!! Get the fuck outta here!" or "Really? Thanks dumb cunt." Those people. Like basically the people you feel like shutting down. For example, my driving examiner today. I felt like socking her in the face. (by the way, I got my license today big whoop. I DON"T HAVE INSURANCE) DUMB CUNT.... But I missed 7 outta 15. Ouch...

Lately, I've been in some crazy, fucked up shit Karma's been giving me. I think if Karma was a girl I sock her in the fucking face too.

Lonng time to see, bruh.

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