Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Some Sweet, Mostly Bitter

Ever tried a banana when you thought it was half way ripe? When the banana's peel is alttle green? You could taste some sweetness in the banana's but it's mostly all bitter. That's kinda how I feel. I'm soo overwhelmed with many things running through my head. It's like Pac Swi Jack from Wheel of Fortune told me I just won a crusie to Cancun, Mexico. But on the bitter side, I just got informed by the police that everything in my room got stolen. I'm still going Cancun, but while I'm on vacation I'm gonna have this cold feeling on my chest knowing that I have to come home with a huge burden to bare.

I don't know... maybe not that drastic, but I do have too much on my head. All I keep saying to myself is that I could have been happier. The word isn't satisfied but happier. Knowing if I took that chance... I know damn right happy. It's something that's killing right now. Nothing I could do now. If I had a time machine I wouldn't just go back two months ago, but from the beginning of the school year.

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