Monday, November 30, 2009

Stary Skies and Chilly nights

That's what the spokesman for 96.5 said on the radio. That's my kind of weather. Yehhp =)

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

My Season of Giving

I haven't been thinking on what I want this year really because this year I feel that I should give more than receive. That doesn't really mean I want anything. haha. Almost every year I give more to others but I guess this year you could say I want to reach out more. So I made a list. I call it "My Season of Good Deeds."

My Season of Good Deeds:
  • Donate to this years toy drive. (Hella toys)
  • Donate Clothes to the Salvation Army(Clothes Id sell to Buffalo/Cross Roads)
  • Community Out Reach Program at St. Catherine's
  • * Give a gift to someone less fortunate by random
  • Basic good deeds (Catholic Appeals)
  • Give pock change to the needy
  • Blood Drive :'(
  • ???
"I'm still thinking of more deeds to add to the list. But there is something I want this year, more than anything I could really ask for. I hope I'm not asking for anything too extreme... I just hope that in return I get that one thing I really desire this year. It would be the best gift I've received. Both Christmas and Birthday combined"

Sunday, November 15, 2009


"This beautiful city seems empty.

All the people in the world and you could still feel lonely.

What's the point of having it all without the person you love?

Sometimes you just need to start again in order to fly."

-Alicia Keys