Wednesday, November 25, 2009

My Season of Giving

I haven't been thinking on what I want this year really because this year I feel that I should give more than receive. That doesn't really mean I want anything. haha. Almost every year I give more to others but I guess this year you could say I want to reach out more. So I made a list. I call it "My Season of Good Deeds."

My Season of Good Deeds:
  • Donate to this years toy drive. (Hella toys)
  • Donate Clothes to the Salvation Army(Clothes Id sell to Buffalo/Cross Roads)
  • Community Out Reach Program at St. Catherine's
  • * Give a gift to someone less fortunate by random
  • Basic good deeds (Catholic Appeals)
  • Give pock change to the needy
  • Blood Drive :'(
  • ???
"I'm still thinking of more deeds to add to the list. But there is something I want this year, more than anything I could really ask for. I hope I'm not asking for anything too extreme... I just hope that in return I get that one thing I really desire this year. It would be the best gift I've received. Both Christmas and Birthday combined"

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