Thursday, April 14, 2011

Nobody Said it was Easy.

Probably the hardest part of my life by far. Picking a college thats right for me. My main concern is Nikki. ugh, honestly I don't know what to do. I have to pick one within the next 2 weeks. I love her to death and I see us going hella far. I want to be able to say," She's my 'High school Sweetheart'." I know deep down we could make us work. I learned from the mistakes I made and I could honestly say to myself that I'm changed and new person.

God I don't know what to do. I always go to Him for the answers I search for and that I could never find. I love you Nikki so much. I can't let you go. We shared too many memories together. It's you that I want and that will never change. I love you Nikki B.

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