Sunday, May 24, 2009

From the Bay to La.

LA fucking sucks. Idk. haha I think it's just I hella miss my girlfriend. But yehh, it's good. Woke up to the Babe today. Talked for alittle bit til she had to get off cuss she had to get ready. Regine, Jenny and Axl all wanted to go swimming. So I tagged a long. It was dope. Later we were hella bored so I was like," Lemme show you guys around Brea." I drove them to the High School I woulda gone to, the mall, Downtown and Downtown Fullerton where the hype store were. Bought some new/used jeans from Buffalo. Sexy ass grey 514's. Drove back to the house. Crackin' ass family party. All my relatives in La are fuckin' Laker fans. PSHH... I know, embarassing. haha Golden State all day. Pretty much. DI'NEY LAND tomorrow nigga. Did I mention I hella miss Danielle?

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