Tuesday, May 19, 2009

"Fuck all of that, life's good."

Yeterday was pretty dope. Final saw my mom for the first time in three weeks!! Her ass went to Europe. haha. Got to Walmart bought some fresh ass sun glasses and a whole bunch of other shit. OMG haha.. You know what she said to me? She goes," Ohh Marvin have you been using your Proactive?"
I was like," No." Shes goes,"Oh I could tell." WHAT THE EF? Thanks Mom!

Anyways, got a note from the lady. She's hella dope. Made me feel hella good. THANKS for making me lunch babe! You're the best! These past couple of weeks been really rough. Parent's and School's been biting my ass lately. But I think about what a wonderful girlfriend I have and how lucky of a dude I am, I just end up saying, "Fuck all of that, life's good."

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