Thursday, March 12, 2009

Procrastination equals the devil

Yesterday was pretty saucy. My mom bought Mickey D's for me and Axl. haha. It's funny how my mom claim Axl as her second son. I got home and I read. haha I'm a loser. I saw a book from Costco that actually grabbed my attention. It's called The Shack. So I bought it and now I'm on the seventh chapter. That's pretty good considering I haven't read a book in hella long.

Oh yeh... My video blog. Honestly, I don't really care what people think about it. I just felt like doing it soo I did. It's a poem I made that I felt liking sharing. So if you don't like it or whatever. I really don't care. Soo hate away. haha. Alright nuff said. LEADERSHIP CLASS SUCKS.

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