Wednesday, March 4, 2009


DANG, doesn't time fly? Seems like it was just yesterday when it just Christmas day. CRAP foreal? I get that license though on April 8th! YEE. I don't know what to say honestly. I have some really good ideas on blog topics but I'm not in the Zone. Yah digg? Well one thing I wanna say is that there's more than meets the eye with Cake Batter ice cream. Haha random right? Well think about. It's the same color as Vanilla ice cream and to me when I see Vanilla ice cream, I think it's boring. Like foreal though.
Okay for example, a guy goes to 31 flavors Baskin Robbins. He gazes at all the flavors through the glass with delight, pondering on which ice cream suits his taste buds. The man walks back and forth searching for the right ice cream. The man spends about eight-and-half minutes looking at all thirty-one flavors. He finally walks to the end of the freezer from where he first started, points to a flavor that suited him and asked the host the cost. The host replies," two-fifty." The man completes the transaction and leaves happily with a paper cup filled with a large scoop of Vanilla ice cream in it......
Are you serious? Who goes to 31 flavors Baskin Robbins and gets a scoop of Vanilla ice cream. They have 31 flavors. If you think about it, majority of their ice cream starts off as vanilla ice cream. It's a boring flavor which leads me back to my main topic. Cake Batter ice cream. It looks like boring ole Vanilla but it's not. It's a hella dope flavor. Nuff said. try it.

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