Friday, May 29, 2009

"Damn Kid, Fuckin' Up."

haha. I always say that. But I was suppose to write about something that happened in Malchiodi's class... damn. Can't remember. But I was hella singing "When I Fall in Love" in her class today and it was hella quiet. hahaha She blamed Mr. Olonan 'cause she thought he was singing. My bad bruh. haha. I called Ms. Malchiodi (the fuckin' bitch who chills in her bat cave all day) Mister. hahah Like straight up "Mr. Malchiodi..." on accident. but it's okay. She's a penis fuck.

1 comment:

Ellie Mae said...

MARVIN! you were supposed to write about "REAL WORLD:VALLEJO" in your blog you dumb fuck.