Sunday, February 22, 2009

I'm stupid.

I'm stupid... Well, we find ourselves telling us this wither we committed a minor mistake or a more serious flaw and all it does is bring us down. I honestly did terrible things in the past that hurt a lot of people and in the end I sit myself down outside and ponder. You know how when we were younger and our parents would tell us," Go to your room and you think about what you did!" You know... that? Well till this day I do it to almost every flaw I make. Big or small. I'd realize what I've done then to conclude it, I'd apologize. From a "Oops! I'm sorry! haha." to a "I'm sorry for what I did. I didn't mean to. Do you forgive me?". From the day my parents told me to sit in my room and think about what I did, I understood that apologies didn't mean squat unless you meant it. Sounds familiar? I know. There has been times when I said I'm sorry insincerely and all it did was bite me back in the ass. In more sevre cases I find myself turning to the only hope that can help me. God. I pray and I apologize through Him knowing that I made this terrible, terrible mistake. I then apologize, ask Him for for forgiveness and try to fix myself. When we find ourselves in this situation, in the end you urge for the gift to go back in time, but you can't. We find ourselves saying "I'm stupid." and then saying the two words we know most,"I'm sorry." Truth is, we're all learning. I'm learning. We're all ignorant of somethings. Meaning we lack knowledge or in this case we lack knowing peoples feelings. So to conclude this... Apology thing... I'm sorry for whatever I did. I pray that you forgive me and that our relationship will stand strong.

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