Wednesday, February 4, 2009

"oh shit! It works?!" -Stephanie Anne

Anyways. Fuck hahaha. Okay soo today is Wednesday. True sale Day hahaha. Stephanie's (; maybe 5 n's) hella chillin' right next to me. Damn!!! SO I just realized that I have 63 days left 'til I get my license!!!! YEE. That's like 2 months. Hella crackin'.... Mr. Ramos foreal needs to chill. He's hella anal about everything........................ Get on youtube and look up So Real Cru The reup. HELLA DOPE. OR get on my myspace and watch it! They're hella dope, FUCK Super Crew they're hella weak shit. Oh yehh and of you're watching ABDC's current season, Quest Crew gonna win. And for the people who like Ring Masters, that's just disgusting.. That's not even dance foreal. Team Millenia was pretty sick shit too! Too bad they got eliminated. If anything Dynamic Edition & Fly Khicks are forsure off the show... okay gotta do the DILLY announcements. later!

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