Monday, November 30, 2009
Stary Skies and Chilly nights
That's what the spokesman for 96.5 said on the radio. That's my kind of weather. Yehhp =)
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
My Season of Giving
I haven't been thinking on what I want this year really because this year I feel that I should give more than receive. That doesn't really mean I want anything. haha. Almost every year I give more to others but I guess this year you could say I want to reach out more. So I made a list. I call it "My Season of Good Deeds."
My Season of Good Deeds:
"I'm still thinking of more deeds to add to the list. But there is something I want this year, more than anything I could really ask for. I hope I'm not asking for anything too extreme... I just hope that in return I get that one thing I really desire this year. It would be the best gift I've received. Both Christmas and Birthday combined"
My Season of Good Deeds:
- Donate to this years toy drive. (Hella toys)
- Donate Clothes to the Salvation Army(Clothes Id sell to Buffalo/Cross Roads)
- Community Out Reach Program at St. Catherine's
- * Give a gift to someone less fortunate by random
- Basic good deeds (Catholic Appeals)
- Give pock change to the needy
- Blood Drive :'(
- ???
Sunday, November 15, 2009
"This beautiful city seems empty.
All the people in the world and you could still feel lonely.
What's the point of having it all without the person you love?
Sometimes you just need to start again in order to fly."
-Alicia Keys
All the people in the world and you could still feel lonely.
What's the point of having it all without the person you love?
Sometimes you just need to start again in order to fly."
-Alicia Keys
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Someday Holding Hands in the End
Your heart may long for love that is more near,
So, when I'm gone these words will be here,
To ease every fear, and dry up every tear,
And make it very clear,
I kiss you and I know.
So, when I'm gone these words will be here,
To ease every fear, and dry up every tear,
And make it very clear,
I kiss you and I know.
The Sco. Where I wanna go.
Life's chill. Happy yet not satisfied. I'm sure many of you guys could indeed relate with me. But like I said, life is chill. I miss Nikki B. straight up though. It sucks that she lives so far. Honestly, I try to manage. I'm keeping my word and I'm keeping strong. Promise.
Can't believe almost two months til 2010. That's a trip foreal. Damn, less that two month until December! Whoo! The season of giving. You know what that means! Christmas! And if it's almost Christmas that means it almost my birthday!!! DAMN! 24th of December buy me something! haha jk. But hm. I'm thinking of my past wish list. I still wanna spend a day in the CITY and eat dinner at Hooters =) Seriously.
Can't believe almost two months til 2010. That's a trip foreal. Damn, less that two month until December! Whoo! The season of giving. You know what that means! Christmas! And if it's almost Christmas that means it almost my birthday!!! DAMN! 24th of December buy me something! haha jk. But hm. I'm thinking of my past wish list. I still wanna spend a day in the CITY and eat dinner at Hooters =) Seriously.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Got the Feeling of Neglect
It's true I feel neglected in some ways. Like what do I have to do gain that respect? I try so hard to achieve, yet, barely anyone sees it. Neglect. Let's just say I'm not talking academics. I'm not sure what's going on in the minds of other people nor do other people. I always push but never get a pull in return.
Exteriors are difficult to break into.
Exteriors are difficult to break into.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Monday, October 5, 2009
It'd be a good idea
Life is being hella difficult. A lot of it dealing with school. Alumni wasn't lying when they said Junior year was the hardest of the high school career. So far I'm managing pretty well. I'm trying to work extra hard this week because Friday, grades are coming out yet again. I'm fully college bound, shooting for a university but I have a long way until I get there.
I didn't do my homework tonight. -_- I got home and crashed hella hard. I woke up at eleven. Plan is to wake up at five in the am and study, study, study. There way more on my head than just school, believe me. That's why I believe it'd be a good idea to write.
I didn't do my homework tonight. -_- I got home and crashed hella hard. I woke up at eleven. Plan is to wake up at five in the am and study, study, study. There way more on my head than just school, believe me. That's why I believe it'd be a good idea to write.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Hilarious because I don't use "finnah' in my daily slang vocabulary. School? It's alright... Pretty crackin'. I miss hella shit and how they were. Had a huge flashback on my way to Leadership. It was a "daaamn... (sigh)" factor. Been really happy lately =) like hella. Currently watchin' the Giants game as we speak. MOLINA, "PANDA", and WINN on MINES.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Not surprised
Haha I hope you're doing okay cuss you're hella young and ignorant. Honestly good luck. You fooled me. Haha.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Dead and Gone
Actually I'm gonna hop on again. There are some interesting ass blogs on my page.. Well to me atleast. Sheeit. Can't believe some of 'em. I miss school hella bad. Fuck the teachers, I miss school.
I'm keeping with it. I don't care no more.
I'm keeping with it. I don't care no more.
What Else Can I Do?
I knew it, exactly. Get on blog spot and have word congestion. Like I have nothing to say but I really do know how I feel. Been having the craziest dreams. Some of them are pretty fucked up. I can't sleep at night. I don't know what else to say.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Stuck and Struck
I'm sitting here patiently for the chance that I might, be able to hold you tight.
Love playing and singing that part on the guitty. Says alot. Sticks outta the whole song.
Love playing and singing that part on the guitty. Says alot. Sticks outta the whole song.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Just simple Afliction
Cooping up with all this shit is so hard. I've need thought I'd feel like this much shit before over one person. What an impact. I always thought of myself as on top of my game (not that kinda game). The kind of game where I was always strong. That game. I guess. But I was always on top. But I wouldn't let my feelings go this far. So far, that I'd get fucked up. It's completely juvenile.
I just wish I could tell you everything without hold back as I did before when we were in school together. Now I spend everyday thinking how much I screwed up when I could of had the world. We had it, just never realized we did.
I just wish I could tell you everything without hold back as I did before when we were in school together. Now I spend everyday thinking how much I screwed up when I could of had the world. We had it, just never realized we did.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Toyed with my Affliction
Actually, I wasn't planning on blogging today but it's really just fuckin' me up right now. Like you have noo idea. I have so much regret in my heart. I'm not sure how to describe it... It's you've misplaced something and you're trying hella hard to find it when it was right there all along under your nose. I guess. But I hate how I still dwell on the past. Like I love to reminisce about how we were. But I hate it because when I think about it, it hurts me in the end.
Like I said in my past blogs, I wouldn't go back just two months(well in this case four) but I'd go back to the beginning of the school year and start it all over again right.
Like I said in my past blogs, I wouldn't go back just two months(well in this case four) but I'd go back to the beginning of the school year and start it all over again right.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Very Believable
I decided to check my twittascope for kicks.. Even though I never believed or tried it. But this is hella on point. Kinda got me teary eyed.
It's hard for you to deal with someone when you know he or she isn't saying everything. You know others are withholding their feelings now and yet you cannot confront them directly or they will just slip further into denial. Your current lesson is about learning to live with ambiguity. You probably won't know the whole story for a few more days, so just be patient and distract yourself the best you can.
It's hard for you to deal with someone when you know he or she isn't saying everything. You know others are withholding their feelings now and yet you cannot confront them directly or they will just slip further into denial. Your current lesson is about learning to live with ambiguity. You probably won't know the whole story for a few more days, so just be patient and distract yourself the best you can.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Twitter on mines.
HAHA haven't been on blogspot for days. It's cuss Twitter's got me going. haha well guys for those you who are not following me. I'm in some twisted shit right now.. Like I feel so low and crushed. Idk Very complicated. TWEET ME though.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Some Sweet, Mostly Bitter
Ever tried a banana when you thought it was half way ripe? When the banana's peel is alttle green? You could taste some sweetness in the banana's but it's mostly all bitter. That's kinda how I feel. I'm soo overwhelmed with many things running through my head. It's like Pac Swi Jack from Wheel of Fortune told me I just won a crusie to Cancun, Mexico. But on the bitter side, I just got informed by the police that everything in my room got stolen. I'm still going Cancun, but while I'm on vacation I'm gonna have this cold feeling on my chest knowing that I have to come home with a huge burden to bare.
I don't know... maybe not that drastic, but I do have too much on my head. All I keep saying to myself is that I could have been happier. The word isn't satisfied but happier. Knowing if I took that chance... I know damn right happy. It's something that's killing right now. Nothing I could do now. If I had a time machine I wouldn't just go back two months ago, but from the beginning of the school year.
I don't know... maybe not that drastic, but I do have too much on my head. All I keep saying to myself is that I could have been happier. The word isn't satisfied but happier. Knowing if I took that chance... I know damn right happy. It's something that's killing right now. Nothing I could do now. If I had a time machine I wouldn't just go back two months ago, but from the beginning of the school year.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Simply Posted
Haven't wrote an actual blog in forever. Let us start with summer (since that's the biggest topic on myspace, facebook, blogspot and all the popular social networking on the internet.) Summer is sort of crackin'. I mean, it's a good start. I've got plenty of time on my hands. Sheeeit. Alright I'm bout to hop off this shit. Gonna get to Cold Stone. YEE.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
"Damn Kid, Fuckin' Up."
haha. I always say that. But I was suppose to write about something that happened in Malchiodi's class... damn. Can't remember. But I was hella singing "When I Fall in Love" in her class today and it was hella quiet. hahaha She blamed Mr. Olonan 'cause she thought he was singing. My bad bruh. haha. I called Ms. Malchiodi (the fuckin' bitch who chills in her bat cave all day) Mister. hahah Like straight up "Mr. Malchiodi..." on accident. but it's okay. She's a penis fuck.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Work on a school day!
Fuccck... I don't wanna work today. But hey, it's money in the bank on slow ass day. But then again, I only work two hours. UGH. It's good. haha leadership class is hella chill right now!! Teacher went to Grad Nite soo there's like ten kids in here. haha CRACKIN'...
Yesterday was a pretty bad ass day. The girlfriend came over my house. The end. ;)
Yesterday was a pretty bad ass day. The girlfriend came over my house. The end. ;)
Sunday, May 24, 2009
From the Bay to La.
LA fucking sucks. Idk. haha I think it's just I hella miss my girlfriend. But yehh, it's good. Woke up to the Babe today. Talked for alittle bit til she had to get off cuss she had to get ready. Regine, Jenny and Axl all wanted to go swimming. So I tagged a long. It was dope. Later we were hella bored so I was like," Lemme show you guys around Brea." I drove them to the High School I woulda gone to, the mall, Downtown and Downtown Fullerton where the hype store were. Bought some new/used jeans from Buffalo. Sexy ass grey 514's. Drove back to the house. Crackin' ass family party. All my relatives in La are fuckin' Laker fans. PSHH... I know, embarassing. haha Golden State all day. Pretty much. DI'NEY LAND tomorrow nigga. Did I mention I hella miss Danielle?
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
"Fuck all of that, life's good."
Yeterday was pretty dope. Final saw my mom for the first time in three weeks!! Her ass went to Europe. haha. Got to Walmart bought some fresh ass sun glasses and a whole bunch of other shit. OMG haha.. You know what she said to me? She goes," Ohh Marvin have you been using your Proactive?"
I was like," No." Shes goes,"Oh I could tell." WHAT THE EF? Thanks Mom!
Anyways, got a note from the lady. She's hella dope. Made me feel hella good. THANKS for making me lunch babe! You're the best! These past couple of weeks been really rough. Parent's and School's been biting my ass lately. But I think about what a wonderful girlfriend I have and how lucky of a dude I am, I just end up saying, "Fuck all of that, life's good."
I was like," No." Shes goes,"Oh I could tell." WHAT THE EF? Thanks Mom!
Anyways, got a note from the lady. She's hella dope. Made me feel hella good. THANKS for making me lunch babe! You're the best! These past couple of weeks been really rough. Parent's and School's been biting my ass lately. But I think about what a wonderful girlfriend I have and how lucky of a dude I am, I just end up saying, "Fuck all of that, life's good."
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
5/9/2K9 11:33pm!
hahaha. What a day that was. IDK. Axl's birthday party. Pretty Crackin' (Nikki's cool. I'm going to fart on her lap.)
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Naive Teenage Years
Wednesdays foreal suck though. To get straight to the point, I've been having an off day. It's seems as though everything is going wrong today. Maybe it's the bipolar weather or even the fact that it's just an ordinary Wednesday.
Mama always said," Count your blessings baby." Not so many blessings today mama.
Mama always said," Count your blessings baby." Not so many blessings today mama.
Monday, May 4, 2009
On that kind of Hype.
Damn dude. I'm usually not like this. haha. It's foreal a different feeling. I don't know. I hope this one's a keeper... But I realized that I've been pretty fucked up by jumping girl to girl and I know that there has been some feelings hurt in the past. If I end up getting hurt some how, I know it's to teach me a good lesson. Hearing too much shit I don't wanna believe. Fawwwk.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Whipped Cream
Honestly, I'm the cream. haha. But yeah, it's good though. I love the chase. Listening to remixes on 94.9 with the lady friend and tryin' to guess the next song coming up. Cute.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Long time coming.
FUCKING SHIT... ASSHOLE. WHAT THE EF? IS GOING ON..... Please excuse the random turrets. But fuck dude!!! I honestly don't understand some people. Like those people who you feel like saying," DUDE!!! Get the fuck outta here!" or "Really? Thanks dumb cunt." Those people. Like basically the people you feel like shutting down. For example, my driving examiner today. I felt like socking her in the face. (by the way, I got my license today big whoop. I DON"T HAVE INSURANCE) DUMB CUNT.... But I missed 7 outta 15. Ouch...
Lately, I've been in some crazy, fucked up shit Karma's been giving me. I think if Karma was a girl I sock her in the fucking face too.
Lonng time to see, bruh.
Lately, I've been in some crazy, fucked up shit Karma's been giving me. I think if Karma was a girl I sock her in the fucking face too.
Lonng time to see, bruh.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
I love Nikki Bueno and she is my favorite senior EVER. NO ONE WILL TAKE HER PLACE!
She is the best senior ever and we're a married couple (:
-Marvin Yuson
She is the best senior ever and we're a married couple (:
-Marvin Yuson
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Nothing but Politics
Well as some of you know, I'm running for Junior Class President! This position really does mean a lot to me. I DO most certainly care about our school because it's the place where we spend most of our time at. Yahh digg? This is my second time in leadership. I served as Secretary my freshman year and I'm currently serving as Treasurer, ready to take on the role as president. I feel that this position is right for me considering how active I am in the class now.... Um. Thanks again to my supports and my campaign managers: Jp, Lorenzo, Axl, and Rachel . You guys are hella dope.
"Let's make it happen." -Marvin
"Let's make it happen." -Marvin
Monday, April 6, 2009
"Thursday,Friday,Saturday, we chilled on Sunday...
Met this girl on Monday."
Anyways, Back to the daily "Hype Kill". Man I have detention after school today. Not crackin'. The day I get from break, I detention. What kinda of shit? I need to start selling shit again. UGH. DK's not doing it right now. ***Selling a Side Kick lx. get at me.***
Time is going by hellllla slow right now! Why am I in this class again? haha
Anyways, Back to the daily "Hype Kill". Man I have detention after school today. Not crackin'. The day I get from break, I detention. What kinda of shit? I need to start selling shit again. UGH. DK's not doing it right now. ***Selling a Side Kick lx. get at me.***
Time is going by hellllla slow right now! Why am I in this class again? haha
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Whoa.. damn I'm slackin' on Blogin'.
Haha. Its been at least eleven days since my last post! That's hella long. Well, Spring Breaks pretty crackin' haven't got to the city yet. That's one of my goals. I've just been chillin' at home and kickin' with friends. I'll get back to you in a little bit, bout to play some basketball.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Spring BREAK..
I think this is exactly what WE all need. Amen? The "HYPE KILL" (infamous six periods) is over for a good two weeks. Man... Just looking forward to a relaxing, non stressful spring break of my life. If that makes sense. Alright well, we'll see what's good this for this week. WHOO.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Friday, March 13, 2009
Good Friday.
Lately, I've been sucking at Lent. I gave up a whole bunch of things such as eating red meat and rice, bite my finger nails, cussin' (FAIL), Checking out girls physical side (MAJOR FAIL), and Littering. I think there's one more but I can't remember it at the moment. I don't mean to break 'em its just that, cussin' is super natural to me and so is checking out girls physical side! But I concluded that I need to keep trying and working at it. Sorry God. I'm trying. I've been really good with the rest. I've been eating chicken everything. I've been cutting my nails regularly, and every time I throw something on the floor I end up picking it back up and if there's no trash can near by, I put it in my pocket! That's dedication baby. That's faith.
God is Love,
Rev Run (haha)
God is Love,
Rev Run (haha)
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Procrastination equals the devil
Yesterday was pretty saucy. My mom bought Mickey D's for me and Axl. haha. It's funny how my mom claim Axl as her second son. I got home and I read. haha I'm a loser. I saw a book from Costco that actually grabbed my attention. It's called The Shack. So I bought it and now I'm on the seventh chapter. That's pretty good considering I haven't read a book in hella long.
Oh yeh... My video blog. Honestly, I don't really care what people think about it. I just felt like doing it soo I did. It's a poem I made that I felt liking sharing. So if you don't like it or whatever. I really don't care. Soo hate away. haha. Alright nuff said. LEADERSHIP CLASS SUCKS.
Oh yeh... My video blog. Honestly, I don't really care what people think about it. I just felt like doing it soo I did. It's a poem I made that I felt liking sharing. So if you don't like it or whatever. I really don't care. Soo hate away. haha. Alright nuff said. LEADERSHIP CLASS SUCKS.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Aprils coming up and there's hella stuff going on! HELLA excited. TWO weeks of spring break!!!! Erika David performs at SF state on April 3rd!!! Let's get there! It's also champs season! Oh yeh, and during Spring Break, I might go to Hawaii. Crackin'?
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
DANG, doesn't time fly? Seems like it was just yesterday when it just Christmas day. CRAP foreal? I get that license though on April 8th! YEE. I don't know what to say honestly. I have some really good ideas on blog topics but I'm not in the Zone. Yah digg? Well one thing I wanna say is that there's more than meets the eye with Cake Batter ice cream. Haha random right? Well think about. It's the same color as Vanilla ice cream and to me when I see Vanilla ice cream, I think it's boring. Like foreal though.
Okay for example, a guy goes to 31 flavors Baskin Robbins. He gazes at all the flavors through the glass with delight, pondering on which ice cream suits his taste buds. The man walks back and forth searching for the right ice cream. The man spends about eight-and-half minutes looking at all thirty-one flavors. He finally walks to the end of the freezer from where he first started, points to a flavor that suited him and asked the host the cost. The host replies," two-fifty." The man completes the transaction and leaves happily with a paper cup filled with a large scoop of Vanilla ice cream in it......
Are you serious? Who goes to 31 flavors Baskin Robbins and gets a scoop of Vanilla ice cream. They have 31 flavors. If you think about it, majority of their ice cream starts off as vanilla ice cream. It's a boring flavor which leads me back to my main topic. Cake Batter ice cream. It looks like boring ole Vanilla but it's not. It's a hella dope flavor. Nuff said. try it.
Okay for example, a guy goes to 31 flavors Baskin Robbins. He gazes at all the flavors through the glass with delight, pondering on which ice cream suits his taste buds. The man walks back and forth searching for the right ice cream. The man spends about eight-and-half minutes looking at all thirty-one flavors. He finally walks to the end of the freezer from where he first started, points to a flavor that suited him and asked the host the cost. The host replies," two-fifty." The man completes the transaction and leaves happily with a paper cup filled with a large scoop of Vanilla ice cream in it......
Are you serious? Who goes to 31 flavors Baskin Robbins and gets a scoop of Vanilla ice cream. They have 31 flavors. If you think about it, majority of their ice cream starts off as vanilla ice cream. It's a boring flavor which leads me back to my main topic. Cake Batter ice cream. It looks like boring ole Vanilla but it's not. It's a hella dope flavor. Nuff said. try it.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Aww fuck.. Foreal? Four and a half hours of a nap? Damn that's pretty dope. Now I have hella homework to do!!! Thanks Mr. Carey. Today was a sucky ass day. REAL TALK. I don't even know why. Hella stressin' and shit. I think it's because I slept hella late. I slept in two periods! Alright enough said. Homework time =(
Sunday, February 22, 2009
I'm stupid.
I'm stupid... Well, we find ourselves telling us this wither we committed a minor mistake or a more serious flaw and all it does is bring us down. I honestly did terrible things in the past that hurt a lot of people and in the end I sit myself down outside and ponder. You know how when we were younger and our parents would tell us," Go to your room and you think about what you did!" You know... that? Well till this day I do it to almost every flaw I make. Big or small. I'd realize what I've done then to conclude it, I'd apologize. From a "Oops! I'm sorry! haha." to a "I'm sorry for what I did. I didn't mean to. Do you forgive me?". From the day my parents told me to sit in my room and think about what I did, I understood that apologies didn't mean squat unless you meant it. Sounds familiar? I know. There has been times when I said I'm sorry insincerely and all it did was bite me back in the ass. In more sevre cases I find myself turning to the only hope that can help me. God. I pray and I apologize through Him knowing that I made this terrible, terrible mistake. I then apologize, ask Him for for forgiveness and try to fix myself. When we find ourselves in this situation, in the end you urge for the gift to go back in time, but you can't. We find ourselves saying "I'm stupid." and then saying the two words we know most,"I'm sorry." Truth is, we're all learning. I'm learning. We're all ignorant of somethings. Meaning we lack knowledge or in this case we lack knowing peoples feelings. So to conclude this... Apology thing... I'm sorry for whatever I did. I pray that you forgive me and that our relationship will stand strong.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
*Be different. Watch it and learn something.
I Love to Singa depicts the story of a young owlet who wants to sing jazz, instead of the classical music that his German parents wish him to perform. The plot is a light-hearted tribute to that of Al Jolson's film The Jazz Singer.
I Love to Singa depicts the story of a young owlet who wants to sing jazz, instead of the classical music that his German parents wish him to perform. The plot is a light-hearted tribute to that of Al Jolson's film The Jazz Singer.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
"I am so lucky"
"This is for all those lovers out there on a Valentine's Day weekend. haha"
With a brain like mine, it's not going to be easy,
To write you a poem, it would probably be cheesy,
To make the words rhyme then pretend I'm not dizzy,
But I have to tell you that for you I am crazy.
I feel so much better that I made it this far,
The first paragraph gave my brain a big scar,
When I'm done with this one, I'll smoke a cigar,
I'll sit by the window and play my guitar.
As I strum my guitar the air will be filled,
My song and my music will serve as your shield,
To protect you from harm and will never yield,
And safeguard your love that you finally revealed.
When I am alone in the house it's you that I see,
I pretend all the time you're right next to me,
Holding you so tight I don't let you go free,
I love at your face and I say,
I am so lucky.
-Marvin Yuson
With a brain like mine, it's not going to be easy,
To write you a poem, it would probably be cheesy,
To make the words rhyme then pretend I'm not dizzy,
But I have to tell you that for you I am crazy.
I feel so much better that I made it this far,
The first paragraph gave my brain a big scar,
When I'm done with this one, I'll smoke a cigar,
I'll sit by the window and play my guitar.
As I strum my guitar the air will be filled,
My song and my music will serve as your shield,
To protect you from harm and will never yield,
And safeguard your love that you finally revealed.
When I am alone in the house it's you that I see,
I pretend all the time you're right next to me,
Holding you so tight I don't let you go free,
I love at your face and I say,
I am so lucky.
-Marvin Yuson
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Good Lovin'
Yehh.. So Good Lovin'. Its not just a song by Hieroglyphics featuring Goapele but it stand so much more to me. I don't really feel like writing about this kinda of stuff in leadership; I am not in the zone.. Yah digg?
Monday, February 9, 2009
Apple MACintosh
Are hella hard to work with. So this week I gotta do my work permit shit for DK. Im transferring to games. WAAAAY better than food service. I'm basically on a time trial. I have discovery(a.k.a. orientation) this Thursday and Friday. Theyre about to go over about all this bullshit like, "What's the Six Flags mantra?" (Which is clearly Friendly, Clean, Fast, Safe Service. haha) or "What do you do when you find a lost child" blah blah... But Im not really trippin' cuss I get paid on friday. 8.25 steppin' up!!A whoppin' Extra 25 cents an hour. Its good though.
Chillin' in Mr. Musters room cuss Ramos isnt. Thank God. It brings back hella good memories. Looking around... everything looks the same exactly how we left it. He only had two rules: -DO RIGHT and -THE PLATINUM RULE. Honestly, I didnt know what "The Platinum Rule" was but they were super easy to follow. Leadership now is more like a dictatorship rather then a family. Leadership before was a clean, happy, fun, flowing, family business. We liked doing the things we did and we did it because we wanted to. haha. whatever. Next year. I promise. Mr. Muster's Leadership class 2009-2010.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Damn first competition of the season's today! Good shit. Man There is foreal something wrong with my body. I mean I struggle to get up school mornings due to my lack of sleep the nights before! No more late night Family Guy or late night talks.... okay maybe just Family Guy for now. haha but my point is, every morning I wake up HELLA late then I rush to school. I freakin woke up at 6:30am and now Im awake and cant go back to sleep... On top of that I had long ass night!!! WTF?
Alight enough with that sheeit. This whole week has been so overwhelming in many ways. California Highschool Exit Exam, stressful drumline practices, and crab feed. You cant forget school but then again we gotta deal with that shit everyday. The "Hype Kill" from several blogs ago.Today should be a good day if there's no rain. Rain just fucks up everything. Honestly.
Oh yeh as far as whats it called goes... so you could cry.
"What? You dont know heiro?.. Get out."- marvin haha
Alight enough with that sheeit. This whole week has been so overwhelming in many ways. California Highschool Exit Exam, stressful drumline practices, and crab feed. You cant forget school but then again we gotta deal with that shit everyday. The "Hype Kill" from several blogs ago.Today should be a good day if there's no rain. Rain just fucks up everything. Honestly.
Oh yeh as far as whats it called goes... so you could cry.
"What? You dont know heiro?.. Get out."- marvin haha
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Alrighty, So this one will be hella short. So today I actually got to do something! I was actually doing a something in leadership!!! nevermind that..... Today's just not doing it today. It WAS raining... Rainy days. Nuf said.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
"oh shit! It works?!" -Stephanie Anne
Anyways. Fuck hahaha. Okay soo today is Wednesday. True sale Day hahaha. Stephanie's (; maybe 5 n's) hella chillin' right next to me. Damn!!! SO I just realized that I have 63 days left 'til I get my license!!!! YEE. That's like 2 months. Hella crackin'.... Mr. Ramos foreal needs to chill. He's hella anal about everything........................ Get on youtube and look up So Real Cru The reup. HELLA DOPE. OR get on my myspace and watch it! They're hella dope, FUCK Super Crew they're hella weak shit. Oh yehh and of you're watching ABDC's current season, Quest Crew gonna win. And for the people who like Ring Masters, that's just disgusting.. That's not even dance foreal. Team Millenia was pretty sick shit too! Too bad they got eliminated. If anything Dynamic Edition & Fly Khicks are forsure off the show... okay gotta do the DILLY announcements. later!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Duck tape stuck on yo' fohead!
Hm. Well we got a lot of time to spare in here... Foreal I'm just slappin' some Kid Cudi feat. Wale. Whoo... I dont know if I told you but I had a crazy ass week. oh shit later.......
Blogspot in Leadership class.
Haha This is really all I do in leadership class NOW... I hate this class. So much bullshit. But on the good note, Sophomores took the California High School Exit Exam. Sound scary but it's not. Dimitri's just chillin next to me. hhaha. but anyways it was HELLA easy like foreal. The only part I was hella stumbling on was that essay question. I had to erace an entire paragraph because I was trippin balls. Major balls. Well tomorrow is the math part of the CAHSEE testing. It's about to be hella boring... Man. I rather be at TRUE E. AHHHHH. Nikki you need to pick me up =0!

wait regine was here. =) biznatch.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Wow blogspot in leadership class! hella NOT crackin'. School is being a straight up beeitch. Especially this class. What to write... what to write.... You know when youre bored, colored sharpies are the way to go! pshhh. All I could think of is pathetic. (Nikki is cool) -Nikki was here. Alright bruh. Later
Thursday, January 8, 2009
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